7 Reasons To Volunteer At Fell End Nature Reserve

23 August 2019



Nestled within the Arnside and Silverdale area lays a spectacular scene – The Fell End Nature Reserve.  Home to an abundance of natural wonders, this hotspot features some of the most stunning wildlife, jaw-dropping scenery and superb walks. There is a surprise around every corner. But how does it stay in such pristine condition? The trusty volunteers!

Without the help of volunteers, Fell End Nature Reserve wouldn’t be the spectacle it is today. While the creatures that call it home certainly get a lot out of the volunteers, what do these selfless individuals get out of it? Believe us when we say, there is a whole load of reasons to volunteer at Fell End Nature Reserve…


Give Back To Mother Nature

Where would we be without the birds, the bees and the trees? The world would be a much more dull place, that’s for sure. We should do all we can to give back to mother nature and the gifts it gives us. Whether for you this is simply picking up some rubbish or volunteering at a local nature reserve. We know which one sounds more fun!


Make Friends & Meet Like-Minded People

There’s no better way to meet new people, mingle and get involved in great conversations than to volunteer. You are all in the same place for a similar reason and all probably have great intentions. You are bound to meet like-minded people who may even become friends for life. Coffee anyone?


Nature’s Very Own Health Benefits

It’s probably not the first time you’ve heard this, but there are so many health benefits to spending time in nature. In fact, just being surrounded by a little greenery can make you feel healthier and more energetic. Believe it or not, spending time in nature can improve your memory, reduce stress, increase vitamin D levels, strengthen your immune system, increase happiness, improve sleep, help your vision and even inspire creativity. 


Learn Something New & Educate Yourself

Spending time in nature, learning about new species and wildlife can be a true eye-opener. On-site at Fell End Nature Reserve, we have a team of specialists on particular subjects such as botany, insects and amphibians. The team will be able to provide an insight into everything you want to know and more! If you are thinking of a career in a related field, there’s no questioning that this could be a great step on your career ladder!


Self-Development & Well-Being

We already know the long list of physical health benefits that spending quality time in the outdoors can have. However, there are also benefits to your mental health too. Just being outdoors can boost your mood and make you feel relaxed. In fact, various studies have found that the great outdoors and nature can help with anxiety and depression. It also really helps if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Volunteering at a nature reserve such as Fell End could make you feel much more grounded and calm.


Make a Local Difference

Giving back to your community is not just a way to make you feel great, but it makes your surrounding area an amazing place to live – for you and everyone else! You can make a difference to everyone’s happiness within the community, creating a better space for everyone. Communities should stick together and work collaboratively to make their living space as great as possible, and going to volunteer at Fell End Nature Reserve could be a great way to contribute.


It’s Fun

While volunteering can often be serious work, with plenty to be done, but we must never forget that above all, it’s fun! You meet new people, embrace new and exciting new activities and gain new knowledge. Combine all the above reasons and you could have an unforgettable experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. 

If you are interested in volunteering at Fell End Nature Reserve then you are in luck, because they are looking for people like you! Why not get in touch with our friendly team to find out more?