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Local Community

Contributing to the local community and its economy is something that Pure Leisure Group prides itself on. Within the catchment area between Milnthorpe and Carnforth there are over 500 holiday home pitches situated at Pure Leisure parks. Including South Lakeland Leisure Village, Fell End and Hall More Holiday Parks. The local economy benefits hugely from a minimum of 3-4 months of holiday homeowner use. Not to mention the rest of the year being used by holidaymakers.

Encouraging owners and holidaymakers to visit and spend money in the local community is something our parks excel at. To encourage such activity our parks offer a unique opportunity via the Holiday Passport. This provides offers and discounts to use at local attractions. It recognises that using local businesses is beneficial to all parties, including the owner, holidaymaker, the park and businesses themselves.

The impact of holiday homes upon the local economy is at often overlooked statistic.