Pure Leisure Raises £46,600 for Key 103’s Cash for Kids at 2017 Annual Charity Ball

8 February 2018

On 20th January 2018, Key 103’s Cash for Kids received a total donation of £46,600 at a local Hollywood-themed charity ball. The glamorous event was funded by Pure Leisure Group and took place at The Caravan & Motorhome Show at EventCity, Trafford Park.

Manchester’s Caravan & Motorhome Show is the largest outdoor leisure event in the North, and second largest in the UK. All raised funds came from Pure Leisure owner John Morphet, and the final donation was presented to Cash for Kids attendees as a giant cheque.

Pure Leisure Group’s Head of Marketing Jordan Scott, Marketing Manager Nathalie Hill and Promotions & Reservations Co-ordinator Chloe Worth joined the beneficiary’s marketing and promotion staff at this exclusive fundraiser last month. Attendees included Key 103’s Cash for Kids Charity Manager Michelle Williams and Key 2 radio presenter Darren Proctor. The guests were delighted to receive such a generous amount to aid Cash for Kids, a charity network which helps disabled and disadvantaged children build brighter futures.

John Morphet has been committed to charity work for a number of years, and Pure Leisure Group prides itself on offering assistance to non-profit organisations that require funding and support. “When we held our first charity event 15 years ago we didn’t really know what to expect. Every year I’m amazed by the support and generosity of everyone who donates, attends and rallies to raise such a fantastic amount of money. I’m thrilled that the hard work will benefit young people who haven’t always had the best starts in life.” Said the father-of-five.
John regularly holds events to raise awareness and benefit various charitable causes in need of donations. This year’s annual summer charity ball will be held on 7th July 2018.

For more charity press coverage and photos click here.

Pure Leisure Raises £46,600 for Key 103
Caravan Exb Key 103 Cheque Presentation
Group photo
Caravan Exb Key 103 Cheque Presentation